+972-52-696-0860 info@israelbymeir.com

Har HaZeitim — The Mount of Olives — is Judaism’s oldest and holiest cemetery, the resting place of more than 150,000 Jewish souls. And yet through neglect and acts of hatred, it has been desecrated, its graves destroyed, and its visitors and mourners attacked. It is time to take a stand. The International Committee for the Preservation of Har HaZeitim (ICPHH) is committed to stopping the defilement of this hallowed ground. Your support will help insure that fences are built, security cameras installed and monitored, police patrols increased, and tough new laws on desecration of graves and on violence against mourners and visitors are passed.

INAUGURATION OF UK BRANCH OF ICPHH — On July 14, a major conference was held in London at the House of Commons to inaugurate the United Kingdom branch of the ICPHH. On hand was Menachem Lubinsky, Director of ICPHH; Matthew Offord, British Member of Parliament; Stephen Pack, Pres. of UK United Synagogues; Jonathan Sigal, ED of Europe ICPHH; Filip Slipaczek, Chartered Financial Planner: and special guest Princess Katarina of Yugoslavia.